
Privacy policy

Below is the privacy policy for the users on our site. This privacy policy defines what type of information we collect and how we use it.

We collect personal and business information about our users via forms, accounts, and various methods. If you contact us via the contact form or email, we may receive your personal information such as Name, Email, Phone number, Attachments, etc. When you register an account on our site, we receive your business or personal information such as company name, email address, phone number, services, payment info, etc.

How We Use It

We use the user information to improve users experience on the site including

Log Files

We store basic log information about the visitors on our site such as IP address, browser type, ISP, date and time, products, services or pages visited, etc. The main purpose of this information is to help us understand our users and to maintain analytics reports.

We also use this information to advertise our users and personalize their experience on our site.

Third-Party Privacy Policies

Our privacy policy doesn’t apply to external services, links, or advertisers. The privacy policy and its terms and conditions are applicable on our website, products, services, emails, and related internal information.

You can disable cookies through your browser on our site if you don’t want to disclose the analytics information to us.

Last updated: 30 July 2023